Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rocky start

Yesterday you should have walked for 20 minutes.  How did you know you were supposed to do that, right?  I didn't tell you!  Chances are you haven't read a damned thing about running and that's OK.

Considering this is a Phoenix-based blog (for now), it's very likely you encountered a haboob during your walk.  Maybe you're lucky this is being postponed to today.  Who cares?  Wear some sunglasses and a bandana when you leave the house - I hear it's the "in" thing these days...all the cool kids are doing it.

Today, your goal is to walk another 20 minutes.  You are not aiming for distance or a good time trial.  You are simply putting your fat left leg in front your fat right right leg.  You should manage to walk between one mile and a mile and a half.  Also, it doesn't matter when you do it, just do it.

Your tip for today: HYDRATE!  Water is like body fuel, your body needs it to keep going.  Even if it's "only" 20 minutes, just grab the damned water bottle since you'll be carrying one on your longer walks/runs.  Plus...it's not like the extra weight is going to slow you down.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! I'm glad you're taking the right steps. . . literally. Ha! I did ten miles on my bike today. I reek. But, I told myself I could do it. I was running out of energy toward the end but you know what? I did it. I almost heard the Chariots of Fire music playing when I hit my block.
