Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Walking in your shoes

You've been walking an awful lot lately.  In fact, if you took a large step back an analyzed what you've done so far, you should be look at approximately a little over five miles.  Can you believe soon you're going to be doing that in one day?  I didn't think that thought even entered your minds.  Next week, you'll be walk-running your fist 5k.  I'll sit here and let that stew for a moment...


OK.  You aren't going to make it you're fucking up your feet with every step you take.  Now you can go somewhere and have some 17-year old pigfucker "analyze" your gait and try and sell you a $150 pair of shoes it cost a Korean kid 12 cents to make, OR you can pay some goddamned attention to yourself.

Walk for a little while.  Don't walk "proper" - walk like you always have.  Now look at yourself, man!

Do the balls of your feet touch the ground early (do you walk like a velociraptor?)
Do you step flat-footed like Neanderthal Man across the plains while hunting and gathering?
Does your heel hit first then you roll your feet all the way to your toes as a marching band flunkie would do?
Do you put more pressure on your left than your right because you were built in God's image and that image is LOPSIDED?
And above all else, does it hurt when you walk?  Not like you're dreadfully obese and the pressure actually causes pain because of your enormous bulkitude, but are you getting blisters or do your toes hurt or maybe your heel?

I can't tell you exactly how to fix it, but maybe you are walking/running "wrong."  In this same vein, there is no "right," either.  Only you know what is going to work for you, but above all else you should not hurt.  Being a marathoner is a fucking brutal hobby to pick up (seriously, were you out of stamps or coins?) but being a marathoner that is deliberately and ignorantly hurting themselves is downright retarded.

This week, and especially today on your 25 minute WALK (you'll run next week, be patient), pay attention to how you walk and if you experience pain.  Make strides (FUCKING PUNNY, BITCHES!!!) to endure NO pain when you walk.  Questions on how to get that done?  There's a comments section below - but you all don't know that because I've only seen one fucking comment.  This is about community, you mouth-breathers!


  1. Shouldn't the mouth be involved in breathing?

  2. Yes and no. Animals pant when they are hot; thus your mouth acts as a cooling mechanism. This is also why you sweat. Some individuals who are more out of shape may find it beneficial to breath through their mouths in order to acquire more oxygen.

    If it's possible, athletes (especially distance runners) should breath through their noses. The cilia (hair) help filter out harmful material (pollution, pollen, etc.) that could potentially hamper a runner. The mouth offers no such protection.

  3. I don't really want to run a marthon, just 5K like I used. I can briskly walk and hike 5 miles any day I please, even in brutally hot weather, even while carrying between 20 and 30 pounds extra, and even if the ground is like quicksand. But I add that run in and the foot pain is filler. I am lopsided, on my outside feet, pronated. I've tried the heel first methods, they give me shin splits. I basically sprint on the balls of my feet, then walk briskly. I have asthma, it's my lungs giving out before my legs. I have minor cerbral palsy and can tear my arches very easily, but have been sport taping them for the last three years with great results. I am 50 pounds over weight from years of injury and a past stroke. I lost 20ish. I have been a track coach for youth. I know form, I know breathing. My poor feet hurt. Went to podiatrist and he fixed up the pinched nerves from scar tissue from years of sprinting barefoot in my youth. So it's not that. It's the impact. I'm still too heavy!, and it's the strain I feel from using only the balls of my feet pushing off this fat azz. Do I just go back to walking til I get more weight off? The walking, no matter how brisk doesn't get my cardio endurance past this plateau. Add weights? Jogging is worse on my knees and hips, I can't do that at all. I love running in my head. I miss playing soccer and need to be a runner to do that. I feel totally retarded over this whole thing.

  4. jmoi, my retarded brethren, what's the rush? You got somewhere to go? Look at what you wrote...you hurt. And from the description, you hurt a fucking lot. Let's analyze. I'm not a doctor, and absolutely none of my blather should EVER be taken as canon or as medical advise. I am not responsible if you continue to harm yourself through your methods or my "advice." Disclaimer'd! As far as the pain you mention when you run, and only when you run, it looks like you only have the issues when you hit the balls of your feet. Try running like a Kenyan. Barefoot running enables you to more easily run using the balls of your feet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzjDIAKUZ9Q&feature=related Strab on those gay-looking Vibrams and this MAY help alleviate SOME of that pain. It's a new technique though, so starting very slowly is recommended. You will need to gain endurance running like this and those stupid-looking shoes will help.

    Now, you're next issue was asthma. I assume you've got an inhaler. You wouldn't continue to punish yourself like this...right? If not, get one, damnit! It's a medical necessity for an activity like this. Until you are able to do it without it, you NEED to use it. It'll open up your lungs and you'll be able to breathe. Although I don't particularly have asthma, I can tell you my lungs give out before my body ANY day. It's not a unique situation. Also, try sleeping with a nebulizer or humidifier. It may help a tiny bit.

    Now, your weight. I won't mince words, with all your medical bullshit, this is going to be an uphill battle for you. You may have heard something to the effect of cardio makes you lose weight. Well, so does eating right and doing OTHER things like going to the gym and such. You need to push yourself to get better, stronger, faster. Even if your goal is to FINISH, you need to TRY and PUSH HARDER. Lifting weights will improve your cardio and burn internal organ fat, reducing overall weight and improving your general health. My penis isn't necessarily bigger, but I finished my marathon starting at 283 pounds. Of course, you trump everything else with all your other maladies.

    It sounds like you're on the right track, you simply require patience. Remember, retards don't feel pain...be retard strong!
