Friday, September 2, 2011


There are often situations in one's life that can detract from one's goals.  I recently had a...slight misfortune, we'll call it...during the course of this last week.  I'm still suffering from it to be quite frank.  It's not fucking fair.  Life took a dump on me and now I'm covered in more shit than the bitches in that two-girls-one-cup video.

I didn't want to do anything.  I still don't.  I want to curl up in a ball while wearing my Scooby Doo pajamas and tell the world to get fucked.  But, I cant.  I've got too many people depending on me to get shit done.  Work, school, wife, fuck-trophy.  So, I must persevere.

So, what does one do when that shit is stacked against them like the Great Wall of China...without the dead bodies and angry Mongorrians on the other side.

You do it for the cause.  You can run for the kids in Africa, or lupus - it's always lupus, or DIABEETUS.  You can run for yourself.  You can run for those you lost.  You can run to forget.

Take your time to mourn.  You got this.  You're retards after all.

Weekend schedule:
Saturday - 3 miles
Sunday - 3 miles

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